Since beginning the Pharmacology program I have not had the ability to continue volunteering with the Crisis Textline due to the time constraints that come with being in a part of such a fast-paced program. Although the pandemic has prevented us from being able to partake in the volunteer component of this program in the traditional way where we are directly impacting the New Orleans community, it has given me the opportunity to pursue one of my favorite volunteer activities again. The Crisis Textline is an organization a free service for those who feel like they are in a state of crisis. This state of crisis is whatever the texter defines it as. Common states of crisis that people are text about involve bullying, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety. As a volunteer, I work with these texters to help create a safety plan and plan on how to cope with their current situations in life. If applicable I am also able to provide texters with resources where they may be able to reach out for help regarding their specific situation.
This month in particular has allowed me to work with texters going through particularly difficult situations. Perhaps, the most difficult has been someone who was contemplating suicide because it seemed like an easier path than homicide and those were the only two options they could see as a way to escape their situation. Being aware enough of what this person was feeling and going to not only carefully word my responses so as to not escalate the situation, but to also find a way to empathize with what this texter is going through has allowed me to grow. I didn’t quite realize my own struggle to empathize with this texter until my supervisor made the comment about how they could not imagine what this texter is going through and I realized at that point that even though this texter is contemplating extreme actions, they are contemplating them because of their extreme circumstances. I plan on continuing my work with the Crisis Textline for the rest of the semester and I hope that as I continue volunteering with them that I will be able to more readily empathize with what these texters are experiencing regardless of what it is occurring.
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